Ava is rolling over a lot (back to tummy) but she still can't get her one shoulder rolled over, but I think it still counts as rolling over, it's so fun to watch her with her toys now under her activity gym she really gets them flying around from bating at them. She is still having some problems nursing, although I haven't had to give her any formula today, it seems like at least once a day now I have to supplement a feeding with formula and when she does nurse it's a struggle to keep her latched. I had the same problem with Logan around this time, but he was always more heavily supplemented. I think it's a combination of my body losing some milk supply when I start cycling again and the kids being early teethers. I pump as much as I can and do that in a bottle, but I don't always have enough milk pumped and I have to use formula. I wish I didn't have so much guilt over it, but I do, and I am trying not to. Most of her feedings are breast milk and that is all that should matter and I have to keep telling myself that.
Anyway, off to relax for tomorrow is the big potty training day!

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