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New Year, New Blog, New Adventures!
Happy New Year to everyone! Here is hoping that 2010 will be good to us all! I decided this year that I am going to try to blog more often, maybe every day even if it's just to post a picture or something that the kids did that day or a sentence or two to sum up my day. (I have to give credit to one of my mommy friends on the forum I belong to, who came up with the idea and is doing something similar). I think it will be something neat to have and look back on. Having two kids now I find myself not recording the little things that happen everyday that I know I will want to remember some day. I also wanted to have a space where I can blog about what is going on in my life outside of being a wife and mother. I was blogging on MySpace way back when, but I along with most people don't use MySpace anymore so I needed to find a new blog home away from our family blog so here it is! I have a lot of things I want to accomplish this year, which I will get too in the posts to come, but most importantly I am looking forward to a new year as good as last year. I don't know what can top Matt getting an awesome new job and the birth of our baby girl, but I am sure this year will be just as wonderful now that we are a family of four! I feel so blessed to have Ava with us, after everything we went through losing our second baby and the complications we had early with Ava to have her here and healthy has been the best gift ever. She was my Christmas present this year for sure. So here we go, hopefully I will stick to my guns and keep up with my new blog and I will have year worth of blogging by this time next year!
You can do it! I look forward to keeping up with you and yours. :)