Ava had a rough night last night and she was refusing to nurse and since I didn't have any pumped milk I had to give her, her first bit of formula since she was born. Of course it made me feel like a failure (stupid breastfeeding guilt which is accompanied by the guilt that we spend big $$ on a nice pump so we wouldn't have to do formula) but she barely had 2 oz's so really it's not a big deal. I think she is starting to teethe, Logan's first teeth broke through when he was 4 months old and he began teething in January so given the fact that she chews on her hands all the time and is drooling up a storm I think that is what is gong on and it's making it painful for her to nurse sometimes. This is about the time that Logan and I started nursing much less and he was pretty much getting formula during the day and only nursing in the morning and nights I just really want to get over this hump with Ava. This time I know what to expect and I am trying not to get flustered and give up. I bought a good pump this time around so I just need to keep that supply up in the freezer and I she shouldn't have to give to much formula. I had a bunch of formula samples sent to the house so my goal is to not have to actually buy any this time. In all honesty I really do not like breastfeeding, but I do it because it's whats best for my babies and it has benefits for me as well, but I really never have enjoyed it like a lot of mothers do (although this time around has been much easier for me). My original plan was to pump mostly, but Ava took to the breast so well that I felt bad about taking it away from her. We introduced the bottle at about a month and a half and she took right to that too, so luckly when I need a break or I am not home she can get fed with no problems. So anyway here I am trying to get over my 2 oz's of formula guilt, Ava on the other hand went right back to nursing from me today like it never happened so all is good!

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