But they have been 11 wonderful years, who knew that the boy that sat at my table in Jr. English class would one day become my husband and we would have two beautiful children together! We survived high school, going to different colleges and many changes together, but we were lucky enough to grow together and not apart through all that time. I love Matt more and more everyday and I am so lucky to have him. He is the greatest husband ever and does everything and more for me. He is the most hands on Dad I have ever met and I have loved watching him become a father first with Logan and now watching him with our little girl, there really is no words to describe the feeling. He is my biggest supporter, always willing to travel to my skating comps and taking care of Logan when I had to travel far for sychro. He always tells me I am beautiful even if it just after having a c-section and I look a royal mess or after a bad day with the kids and no shower...

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