So it's been a little over a year since I have done anything to my hair. Last Christmas I had it cut and highlighted and that is the last time I did anything to it because I wanted to grow it out again ( I had cut it really short in September 08) and I got pregnant with Ava and I didn't want to have any color treatments while I was pregnant. So fast forward to today. I went out and got my layers put back in and had bangs put back in and tonight I am going to attempt my first at home coloring job. Just going to do a dark brown color for the winter and see how I like it. I do have a couple of white/grey hairs that I also want to get rid of, those suckers starting popping up a lot more about a year ago, maybe it was stress, maybe just age, but either way I am not ready for that stage of life anytime soon. So hopefully I can figure out this at home dye kit and I won't screw anything up to to follow...hopefully!
So my first home dye job was a success...other than the small mess I made in the process.
Here is a picture
It's a dark brown, looks more red/purple in the picture though.
So I did pretty good for my first time and I saved a whole lot of money. Usually I go the the salon and it's about $30 for my haircut and $90 for my coloring. Today I spent $13.95 on the haircut and I think I got the dye on sale for $7.99. Matt was happy about that!
In bad news today, as I took the camera out of the diaper bag to take this picture and turned it on we found out we broke the view finder screen errrr, now we have to use the little view finder to take and review pictures. Matt is gong to call Fuji to see if we can get it fixed hopefully it won't cost and arm and a leg...

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