Logan is doing better, his cough still sounds bad, but not having attacks anymore and he is bouncing around the house like a rubber ball so he is on the mend. Potty training I guess is complete, we took him out in his undies for the first time yesterday (to Toys R Us to pick out a new train as his potty training reward...he got Edward) and he did great. I took him out again tonight and he did fine again. I am still in awe that is was this easy, I thought there would be more of a fight or regression as we had happen when we took the binky away, but nope he loves being a big boy!
As for me I have learned three new Mommy lessons
1. Only having to change diapers on one child rocks.
2. Folding little boy undies is the cutest thing ever.
3. 15 minutes is not enough time after a feeding to be playing airplane with Ava...yes my daughter puked right into my open mouth...it was REALLY DISGUSTING
I have just been on a deal finding bender the past couple of days, tonight I got a new high chair for Ava for $44. Matt and I both hated our old one from Logan so I wanted to find something new for Ava and I Target had this ultra girly one on clearance and after thinking about it for a day I decided to get it. Hey if we have another girl some day then great she can use it too, if we have a boy then we have the gender neutral one in the basement. We might put it together, Ava likes to be at the table when we eat (she is very interested in watching people eat, you almost feel kind of guilty doing it in front of her) so this way we don't have to hold her and she can still be up with us.
Ava is currently looking at herself in a mirror and just smiling and laughing away, how could you not smile at that beautiful baby!

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