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No Diapers At School!
Logan went to school today with no diapers for the first time! He missed last week because he was sick so today was his first day back since potty training and he did awesome! His teachers said they asked him every time one of the other kids needed to go (bathrooms are outside the classroom/playroom) and he only needed to go once and he did awesome! Matt was off today since he has to go in on Saturday so he took him and picked him up showed him the potty at school and all that fun stuff. I am so proud of Logan he has really exceeded our expectations with the whole potty training deal. Matt took Logan to the library after school to get his winter reading program sheet stamped since he was finished so they hung out at the library for awhile and I got to clean while Ava power napped all day. I am hoping all this sleeping will help get her feeling better soon. Still doing breathing treatments every 4 hours so hopefully soon she will turn the corner.
That's about it, not much going on his weekend since Matt has to do a Saturday, his Mom is coming out tonight to visit so that will be nice for Logan and Ava.
Here is a picture of Ava in her new highchair. Matt or I were always holding her while we ate dinner so I decided to get the highchair out so she could sit with us, but I really hated our old one so I found this one on clearance at Target. It had been repacked and was missing a little basket thing so I contacted GRACO and they are sending one out to charge, they have wonderful customer service. Yes I know it's all girly as Matt said, but I told him I plan on having another girl LOL! If not we always have the old one still or I will find another one I like better by then...
She really likes it in there and likes being up higher to watch what everyone is doing, won't she be excited when she actually get's to eat in it!
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