Logan did awesome at gymnastics today and when we got home and Ava was napping we headed into the pool and it felt wonderful! We headed out to Mom's to see her one more time before she leaves for Romania and had dinner with everyone. Mom watched the kids while I skated, Matt had lodge tonight. That's our day in a nutshell!
Quote of the day time! This one is the serenity prayer, which a fun bit of trivia for ya, was written by Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr who was one of the presidents at Elmhurst College where I graduated from. I see the prayer all the time, just saw it on a plaque at Kohl's the other day. I may go back and get it as a node to my Alma Mater! I also spent all four years in Schick Hall, which was next door to Niebuhr Hall.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." ~Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

That is so cool, Brandi! I've always loved ice skating, but I've never done much with it. Good luck!