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Oh My....
I can not get over how talkative Ava is. She points to everything and wants to know what everything is, such a change from Logan who really didn't point until 18 months and even then rarely did. When I am feeding her in the high chair she points to what she wants (her puffs, or chruchies, or rice husks) and just over all is very communicative (she is a women who knows what she wants!) and has been from early on, she literally "talks" all day long. She plays with her dolls already, giving them a binkie or bottle (something she has been doing since she was about 4 months old. I know mothers always say their kids are so smart, but I think she is like, really smart. Matt's side of the family has some pretty strong smarts, particularly his younger brother and a part of me wonders if she is advanced. Her ped told us she was ahead when we went through her skill check list at her check up last time, like I said such a change from Logan. She really wants to walk now and is standing unaided for longer periods now and walks while only holding one hand. Maybe it's just a girl thing, or maybe it's a second child thing, but my little girl is one smarty pants if ya ask me!Oh and now if she doesn't get her way, or Logan takes something away from her, she will full out face flat on the floor, stretch out, tantrum...unlike her brother's tantrums, her's are so damn cute. I am sure they will grow to be annoying eventually, but for now it cracks Matt and I up...such a girl for sure, full of the drama!
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