*Logan woke up with a slight fever 99.5 so I kept him home from school, his first sick day so far, not bad making it all the way until December.
*Had Grandma come over to watch Ava while she was napping so I could take Logan to immediate care to make sure he didn't have an infection now that a fever popped up, plus anytime I start neb treatments on my own and he is not better by day 3 he has to be seen by our pedi, but of course our pedi office is closed on Tuesdays.
*Doctor at immediate care said he sounded good, fluid in the ears but not infected and doesn't think he needs antibiotics for the cough. She told me to up his neb treatment so 3 times a day and wrote a script for predisone in case he gets worse, but I don't think he will, fever was gone by the afternoon.
*Get home, Ava the screech monkey is up and teething something terrible, her gum area was even bleeding a little.
*Our repair, handyman friend comes over informs me that the stove top is pretty much shot and he could try and fix it for around $15o but it's a very old stove and really wouldn't be worth it, not to mention that even if he fixed it, he doesn't know that it wouldn't short out again.
*Good news I am getting my new stove, finally!!! Bad news won't have it until Monday at the earliest. Guess we won't be doing sugar cookie cut outs, in less I bake them down at Grandma's house and bring them home to decorate, but Logan likes cutting them out so blah to that.
*I know need to re-plan the weeks dinners and turn it into stuff we can grill, microwave or crock pot.
*Huge headache for me and I am off to bed, Logan has his first Christmas program at school tomorrow.

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