Tried cleaning as much as I could today between stomach cramp episodes, Matt is out now running some errands for me and then he us going to help clean since I am about out of energy (I just can't stand the house being dirty for Christmas, so much clutter about to come in, it stresses me out!)
Logan painted pictures for all his Grandma's and his Godmommy today and Ava did some coloring, she is much better about eating the crayons now, she only took one bite this time...
Tomorrow morning we are going over to my Grandma's so exchange gifts and have lunch, we usually spend Christmas Eve at her house with my Dad's family, but my Mom's family is having their get together on Christmas Eve this year (usually we do the week before, but good thing they didn't this year since we were all sick) so are normal Christmas Eve routine is off this year, and we will miss the candle light carol service at Church, which is a bummer, but excited to see everyone tomorrow night!

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