So Grandpa took Dad to the hospital this afternoon, so far he has had a chest xray that showed he does not have pneumonia, which is good news, they are starting antibiotic's, his cough is heading towards pneumonia and we don't want that to happen. His keratin level is up to 4 which is not good, due to having diarrhea for so many days and causing dehydration, so hopefully some IV fluids will get that number on track and he won't be in for too many days this time.
Always something going on over here, the kids miss grandpa that's for sure.
I am ready to set off a disinfecting bomb in the house, or at least open the windows and let the cold air kill the nasty stuff in this house. I have disinfected so many times in the last two weeks and been washing my hands so much they are cracked and bleeding. Stressed out doesn't even begin to describe. The one sliver lining it all this, at least it happened before school started.
Thoughts and prayers for my Dad much appreciated.

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