Date: Today
TO: You
From: God
Subject: Yourself
Reference: Life
This is God. I realize that you are quite overwhelmed trying to cope with everything in your life. I love you. If life happens to deliver a situation that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (Something for God To Do) Box. I will get to it in My time which undoubtedly will not be the same as YOUR time. All situations WILL BE resolved in my time. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now. Admittedly this may not be easy to do at first, do don't give up. Remember, you are my beloved child and I deeply care for you!
So much has been running through my head lately, school, new house, baby #3, etc. There are some things that are totally pointless to worry about right now and when I read this it was like permission to let it go.
I am so ready for a new house, but we are still two or three years out from that happening. Rolled into the house issue is the next baby issue. Yea we could make it work in this house, but it wouldn't be ideal. So I think that is going in the SFGTD Box. I know these things will happen, but right now school and getting my career going need to be in the forefront.
One of the reasons baby #3 is on my mind even though I am so not ready for that yet, is Matt and I did come to a birthing decision for future baby #3. We are 100% sure we are going to VBA2C!! I started researching this after having Ava and even found an area hospital and doctor that would support the somewhat controversial VBA2C, and had kinda just given up and said I'll just take the repeat. As time went on I felt this was not right for me, and then the ACOG changed their VBAC guidelines to favor VBA2C and then I found even more info on this doctor and started reading about the midwives that work out of this hospital as well. God works in mysterious ways. I feel like He is opening these doors for me and this is what I am suppose to do.
I feel like in order to finally get my VBAC, I need to really change the way we approach the birth, so with that thought we started research, which we still have much more to do, but here is where we are so far.
*Switching to VBA2C friendly hospital down town.
*Switching to new provider, hoping to be able to see a midwife knowing I may have to switch over to an OB in the final weeks.
*Looking into Hypno-birthing (have heard many good things about it) and trying to go the natural route. (This still scares me, a lot, as I have been in labor, albeit pitocin induced labor, so I need help in getting over my mental blocks).
*Dolua will be hired.
*Possible chiropractic care to help with body alignment and hopefully better positioned baby.
*NO NEGATIVE anything, if you don't have something good to say about our choice hit the bricks! (that goes for family, friends, and medical personal)
*laboring at home with dolua as long as possible
*Looking into diets, etc to help keep my blood pressure under control
*Getting back into shape!
So now we need to get to the two year mark (18 months recommended for VBAC, 24 months recommended for VBA2C before getting pregnant again, to allow for optimal healing) and re-visit if we are going to wait until we are in a bigger house or if we are going to go for it.
So that goes off to the BOX for now! Very excited to have made some solid decisions and now there are places out there that will support them! NEVER AGAIN!

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