Unfortunately we gave the gift that keeps on giving on Christmas Eve, the stomach flu.
My Dad came down with it Christmas morning, buy Christmas night my brother was sick and two of my aunts kids. I thought maybe since my dad only had lower GI, he had caught the tale end of what we had going through the house, and what my brother and cousins had was something else, but that idea was blown to pieces when I heard that my Grandma and Grandpa had also been hit hard with the stomach flu as well. Yikes, I feel so bad that so many got sick from us, whatever virus we have it's a nasty one. My Dad also has the cold/cough that Logan had one top of it so things are not good. I hope everyone is feeling better, my brother had to miss his 20th birthday today as he was still not well and had to cancel his party. I can't wait for this to be over, and I can't believe I had such a mild form of this given it is making so many sick, I really do have a freaky ability to fight gastro stuff, and Ava had it pretty mild as well which is making the difficult year of breast feeding we did, totally worth it, yea for magic milk!
So everyone get better ASAP!! So sorry we infected everyone :<(

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