After I dropped Logan off at school, Ava and I went to do some errands which ended up taking a lot longer than planned. First I had to go get a license plate sticker...easy right? No never, I swear every year it's something when I try and go get my sticker. Ever since we moved I have not gotten a renewal notice for my plate sticker, so of course I forgot about it and it expired last month, luckily I wasn't too late and didn't have to pay a late fee. So I get Ava out of the car go into to my sticker and nope sorry you have to get an emissions test first. Great. I also haven't gotten emissions notifications since we have moved. Three years ago the same thing happened to me and of course my car failed, and $800 later I finally passed and got my sticker. Well now I am freaking out, I am selling my car next month for crying out loud and will not put anymore money into my car (its 12 years old and we have outgrown it). So I pack Ava back into the car head over the the next town to the place for the emissions test, actually only had one person ahead of me (that was a first) and thank God my stupid car passed this time. Then we hike back over to get the sticker, first stopping and going into the post office to mail some stuff (and of course all the old ladies want to touch my baby ahhhh!) Get back to the sticker place get Ava out again finally get my sticker. I really hate cars sometimes, they always cause me so much annoyance.
Since I had my car I wanted to go get our new chairs for our breakfast bar in the kitchen. I go out to the Target father from where I was because I knew they had them in stock and of course they only had one and the wood was all chipped up. It was getting late and I still needed to get some cleaning done and have some lunch so I head home, stopped at Wendy's because they have this new burger with blue cheese and bacon, so. good.
Got home fed and Ava and then myself, cleaned the floors and then it was time to get Logan already. Loads of fun today let me tell you. TGIF

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