Matt spent the afternoon hanging our Christmas lights outside. For the past couple of years I have been asking him to hang lights up the peak of our house. So this year I went out bought all new lights (we are doing all white outside this year) and he got to work. Matt does not like heights so him up on a very old extension ladder is not a good time for him. So he spends a lot of time getting the lights on the peak and ends up not being able to reach to the very top, oh well. He used the set of icicle lights from last year and checked them before he started and once half way through when he accidentally stapled the wire (I told you to call us the Griswolds) and it still worked. So he gets that done and then moves on to the rest of the house and the bushes (I put up the inflatable Santa for him and held the ladder during the tricky parts so hey I was out in the cold too) gets that done and by then it's dark and he still has to connect it all to the power source which to most people would be no big deal, but we live in a 80+ year old house that has no outlet outside. So we have this thing that screws into the porch light that has plugs on it, two to be exact so all these extension and and light cords have to end up in these two plugs (you remember that scene from Christmas Vacation where it showed a billion things plugged in, that 's us) so he finally gets everything hooked up and I flip it on in the house and run out with the kids real quick to see and wouldn't you know there is about 20-30 lights on at the tallest part of the peak. Yep just call us the Griswolds.

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