Tuesday, November 9, 2010


And trying not to be, but Matt called me to tell me he was going to be late tonight, which is always annoying to me, but tonight even more so since he has a lodge meeting. So he was home long enough to whip up dinner and then he was gone again and I was on my own putting the kids to bed. Now tomorrow he is going to this writing support group at a local library so again he will be home for maybe an hour after work and then gone until 10pm leaving me alone with bedtime and what ever kid wake ups that happen after they are in bed (oh yes they will happen).

Then this weekend he is going to be gone at a sci-fi convention leaving me on my own all day possibly night depending on how late he stays. So on Saturday I have to take Logan to gymnastics with Ava in tow then head home pack up and head out to my Mom's so I can get some help and she can watch the kids so I can skate for the first time since August (yea August thanks to super busy weekends and my rink canceling my Tuesday ice time errr) and then we have to go to a birthday party once Matt makes it out to my Mom's.

Sunday on my own again. So annoyed right now. I really need him home on the weekends, I need a break, I am not super mom/wife. This is week is even harder since he is gone. I get it, I stay home, it's my job, but damn when the weekend rolls around I am ready lose it most weeks. I need my weekend help so I can mentally recoup from the week. Man things are going to be interesting for both of us once I am back in school and then working!

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