I had my physical done today, I know, fun times right? My blood pressure was 144/80 and the doctor said I was probably nervous, which is true, when ever my blood pressure is taken after having PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension) with Logan and Pre-Eclampsia with Ava I get spastic about what my blood pressure is and it usually comes out high when it is indeed not and high blood pressure runs in the family as well so clearly I am screwed ever which way in that department and will no doubt end up on medication for it, hopefully when I am much older. The cuff was also a small one and I have to be on a large cuff to get an accurate reading so I am going to go ahead and say my blood pressure was probably fine, but you know I will be checking it once I learn how to in my CNA program LOL.
Other than that no big shakes with the physical, I go tomorrow to have my TB test read and then I should be good to go for clinical which will start in February!
I had to go out to the college today to have my TB test done and hand in my Hep B documentation stating that I had the vaccination series already and another healthy form, fun stuff. Tomorrow I go for my physical and then Wednesday I go back to the nurse at school to have my TB test read and hand in my physical form and then I should be good to go for clinical, just need to have my clearance letter sent to the department chair. I am glad I got this all out of the way right away so I can enjoy the time I have left as a sole SAHM! Life is going to get crazy on January 21st, but I am excited for it and I have great support system so it will all work out.
And can you say cutie! In the second picture she was saying "Cheese" which she does when ever she is close to a camera...totally adorable!
We decorated out tree today before Matt had to head into work. Logan was very good at it this year and Ava proved to be much more interested in the tree that Logan was at that age. She put some ornaments on and then took them off and then put them back on and off, you get the picture. She also had fun going through the ornament boxes. We put all the stuff animal and non breakable stuff on the bottom and we are going through tree boot camp with her now, she is doing pretty good with the touching and we let her play with the ones on the bottom so she seems happy with the arrangement, LOL.I am putting up my Christmas Village next and hoping it makes it through without any causalities...
I took a picture of Logan's feather on the turkey outside his door at school, when I went to his parent-teacher conference the other day, thought I would share the important things my four year old is thankful for. Hey at least he included fruit...
SO... Matt spent the afternoon hanging our Christmas lights outside. For the past couple of years I have been asking him to hang lights up the peak of our house. So this year I went out bought all new lights (we are doing all white outside this year) and he got to work. Matt does not like heights so him up on a very old extension ladder is not a good time for him. So he spends a lot of time getting the lights on the peak and ends up not being able to reach to the very top, oh well. He used the set of icicle lights from last year and checked them before he started and once half way through when he accidentally stapled the wire (I told you to call us the Griswolds) and it still worked. So he gets that done and then moves on to the rest of the house and the bushes (I put up the inflatable Santa for him and held the ladder during the tricky parts so hey I was out in the cold too) gets that done and by then it's dark and he still has to connect it all to the power source which to most people would be no big deal, but we live in a 80+ year old house that has no outlet outside. So we have this thing that screws into the porch light that has plugs on it, two to be exact so all these extension and and light cords have to end up in these two plugs (you remember that scene from Christmas Vacation where it showed a billion things plugged in, that 's us) so he finally gets everything hooked up and I flip it on in the house and run out with the kids real quick to see and wouldn't you know there is about 20-30 lights on at the tallest part of the peak. Yep just call us the Griswolds.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with yummy food and good company! I have a lot to be thankful for this year, and at the top of that list is my beautiful, healthy family!
But I am almost done Christmas shopping! I am so ahead of the game this year, love it!
In other news, I experienced my first little girl tantrum and wow is about all I can say about that. All I did was take a wipe away from her when she was done eating and she spiraled into a 15 minute tantrum. I finally got her to stop crying after giving her some medicine and a bottle. I think her teeth are bothering her and she was crabby and maybe even the flu shot thrown in. All I know is I think we are in for it when she's a teenager...
The episode reminded me that things got difficult with Logan around 15 months and then I realized she is almost 14 months and well we might be getting into that lovely developmental time I like to call pre-terrible twos 15-18 months was rough with Logan and I was hoping we wouldn't have that happen again, but maybe it's just ingrained in toddler development to be difficult during this time frame. I was hopefully with her vocab being much more advanced already then Logan's was at that age, that maybe she wouldn't get as frustrated because she would be able to communicate easier. Eh, a girl can home, but she's so stnkin cute we will take the bad with the good.
Logan's first parent teacher conference went really well. The first half of the year in the 3/4 year old class they concentrate on the social aspect of school so we went over how he transitioned (he was a little upset and quite the first few weeks) and his teacher said he is great now, much more comfortable, plays with the other kids. He listens well and enjoys himself. They had a folder for me with some pictures of Logan, a dot-to-dot he did of a pumpkin and sheet of his favorite things. We will have another conference at the end of February and that one will be more in depth and developmentally focused. She said that after winter break is when they start getting more academic with them, working on writing, cutting, etc. So looking forward to that! Matt got stuck in a meeting so he wasn't able to make it, which I think he was bummed, but I am sure there will be many more in our future.
When I get a chance I will scan the pictures his teachers gave me, cute stuff!
Yea I got nothing. Not much going on today other than Ava having to get her second dose of flu shot today and Matt took her since he was closing and home this morning. I stayed home with Logan and cleaned up, exciting stuff let me tell you. Ava took the shot fine, no fever, crabbies, etc.
Tomorrow Logan has his Thanksgiving feast at school and then we have a parent-teacher conference in the afternoon, how exciting, my first parent-teacher conference. I am sure his teachers will have nothing but good things to say.
Off to finish up the last disc of season 2 of Fringe with hubby!
We had a nice pre-Thanksgiving dinner at Matt's parents today, our first of three. On Thursday we will have Thanksgiving lunch with my Dad's family and then dinner with my Mom's side of the family (ah life with divorced parents and in-law's)
Off to bed now, early start tomorrow, taking Ava to the doctor for her second dose of flu shot...
I took some pictures of the kids in their Christmas outfits so I could start on Christmas cards and make sure everything fit and what not, and here is how it went down... Which one's been naughty and which one's been nice? I'll let you decide, but hey it all worked out it then end..LOL!
The kids and I were outside playing the other day and Logan and I spent some time collecting leaves. He had fun picking out all the different colors and shapes, we gathered them into a bag for later and today we used them to make some art work. Logan made a turkey first using his hand and then glued the leaves on as feathers and then we made some leaf collages with the rest of the leaves. An easy and cheap fall project!
Although I had a slight heart attack when I got to the college and the line for registration was quite long and I saw many BNAT envelopes ahead oh me. Luckily from the chatter I could hear most of them were applying for the day program. So glad I went out to the campus where my classes are as it is the smaller one, I am afraid of what the line looked like at the main campus. So I am all registered, my program starts 1/21/11 and 4pm! On my registration is says my clinicals are in the hospital which would be ideal since I plan to go the hospital route to become an OB tech or PCT, a lot of CNA programs are geared more towards nursing home work and work with geriatrics but I know for sure that is not were I belong. I am happy to see my program goes over mother/baby and post-partum, pre and post surgery care, which is more were I am headed. SO fingers crossed I will actually be doing my clinical in the hospital setting, which I think would make it easier to get into the hospital for work, I also plan on volunteering at a hospital one day a week for more experience.
I couldn't get my books though which was annoying, but it looks like I can them from the on-line bookstore which is still selling from fall term (same books) so I might go that route so I don't have to wait until the second week of January to start looking over everything.
Just relieved that I am officially, officially in now!
I am heading over bright and early to the college to get in line for registration. Since the BNAT is limited enrollment and only takes 24 students I am a little nervous. Yes you have to be accepted into the program, but I don't know if they accept more than they take in case some people decide not to do it. They mentioned that if you don't get in, you have to watch for drops. I am also worried because I am doing the weekend program which is only offered twice a year, so if people didn't get in to the August program they would be trying to get into the January program, thus the surplus of applicants trying to get in to a limited enrollment program...ahhh. Registration starts at 8:30 and I want to be there early so I better get off to bed! Hopefully all will go fine and I will be able to get my books too, so I can get started in the material tomorrow night!
We headed to gymnastics nice and early this morning (boy does that bring back memories) of course I had Ava in tow since Matt is at a sci-fi convention. Needless to say Saturday mornings are very busy at the gym and chasing Ava around was not fun. After gymnastics we headed home packed up the van and headed out to my Mom's. She was going to watch the kids while I skated and then watch them again when Matt and I went to a friends birthday party, but skating got canceled so I ended up just hanging around at my Mom's with the kids. My sister watched them for a big so my Mom and I could run to the store, which was nice.
My Mom bought Ava this little feeding set and a new outfit for her dolly. Ava must of sat and played with the doll and the feeding set for a half hour or more, she is such a little mommy, I love it!
Matt met me at my Mom's and then we headed over to our friends house to help her celebrate the big 3-0. It was a very nice party with good eats and good wine, can't complain there!
Since starting preschool, Logan has been nuts about painting, he usually paints at the easel every day at school and then wants to paint when he gets home. He always liked painting but now he wants the real paints not the water colors. Today he painted a picture for me and then painted a wooden helicopter that I found in the art box. Then he drive me nuts waiting for it to dry so he could play with it...
A 30 something wife and mom of two. Working as a nursing assistant part-time and back in school (yes again!) to be an RN. Life is crazy right now, but hey it could always be worse.