My how you have grown...

Here is Logan's Birth Story as I posted it on the mommy board that I am still apart of in fact. Still very hard to read this, and this is the first time I have looked at it in a couple of years, but this is his story and it was worth it all. Luickly I had copied my post from our old board and blogged it on my old MySpace blog because I can't find it anywhere else, good thing I never deleted MySpace even though I don't use it anymore!
We use abbreviations on the board so DH=Darling Husband, Pit=Pitocin, Contrxs-Contractions, ETA=Edited to Add
This was written & posted October 17, 2006:
Our surprise was a……BOY!!!!!
Logan Alexander
10/12/06 40 weeks and 1 day
9:43 p.m.
Unplanned C-Section after 14 hours of labor
7lbs 6 oz
20 ½ inches
I woke up on the 12th to very intense cramps that felt better after using the bathroom, I felt them 3 times and figured that it was just my body starting to get ready for the big day, I kind of felt like something was off but I told DH to go to work and I went back to bed. I heard kind of like a pop when I was lying down but didn't think much of it (thought it was a bone cracking) and a few minutes later my water broke and I was running to the bathroom! I couldn't believe my water broke! I called DH and he turned around (a u-turn in the middle of the road haha), called the doctor and he said get to the hospital and then we headed to the hospital once DH got home and we got all our stuff. I had some minor contrxs on the way to the hospital nothing big but it was all in my back, got settled into the hospital room around 9am and then started the pit to get me going I was 1 cm and 80% effaced . I labored for about 6 hours without pain meds and when I was ready for my epidural I was checked and was still only 1 to 2 but my doctor let me have the epidural (thank god!) I felt so much better and hoped that would help me relax and get some progress. I was checked in a few more hours and I was 3 to 4 so Doc was happy, but he did say he was still very concerned that the baby had not dropped and was "sky high" still. Doc said he would be back to check me in a few and when he came back in 4 hours and after a pit increase I had made no progress and he said to me, "wanna have this baby?" and that was that I was off to have a c-section. I was so disappointed but ready to finally meet our little guy.
The c-section was quite painful for me they kept dosing up my epidural but they were having a very hard time getting him out and the pressure and tugging was painful. I was given a sedative even though I did not want one and I got really sleepy. Doc had to use a vacuum to help get him out and then we finally heard IT'S A BOY! My mommy instincts were right! When they finally got him out he was a bit "stunned" and I didn't hear him cry right away and I couldn't see him right away since the doc had to hand him off to have him worked on, but then I finally heard him and it was the best sound in the world! The rest of the c-section was uneventful, DH brought Logan over to me and I was in love! We tried breastfeeding in recovery but my DH had to hold him since I was so out of it and it just wasn't going good. After recovery I was transferred to my room, they took the baby out for his look over and warming up which takes about 2 ½ hours to do and then they would bring him in so we could feed. I was kind of out of it and the nurses were in and out and each time I was hoping the nursery was coming with my baby, eventually a doctor came in and said that the baby was breathing kind of fast so they were going to watch him a little longer (the first thought that went through my head was that he wasn't coming home with us). The next morning when they brought him into us he had an NG tube in him for feeding since his respiration's were fast he couldn't handle a breast or bottle feed and breath at the same time (so they were feeding him formula over night without even telling me). They told us that he probably swallowed some fluid during the section and he was just taking longer to transition to the world. We got to spend the next day with him, but I was on magnesium for my BP still so I was out of it and didn't really get to spend a lot of time with him since they had to take him out for NG feedings. He was breathing really fast though and it was making me so nervous. They gave him 24 hours to show improvement and when he didn't they did an x-ray and found spots on his right lung, they drew blood and did lots of tests and they came to the conclusion that he had developed pneumonia.
He was transferred to the NICU on Saturday and was put on antibiotics and when he was still not improving they put him on an IV which was the final co-bash on him coming home with me. He is doing much better now, his NG tube is gone and he is drinking my breast milk through a bottle, and basically are just letting him get his antibiotics and then he will be home. We are going to start to try and put him to the breast in a day or so and see how he does in the mean time I am a pumping fool. He has to have blood drawn to check on his liver everyday I believe it is, because the antibiotics can affect the liver. I feel so bad for him he keeps getting poked and prodded. The Docs said this won't affect him later in life or anything and that it is a common occurrence with c-section babies. It was hard to leave him yesterday, I was in the wheel chair sitting by the door waiting for DH to pull the car up and another mom was leaving with her baby and I just lost it, there I was holding one the baskets of flowers with a big it's a boy balloon on it and I wanted to be holding my baby (we got a lot of looks on our way out with all these flowers and balloons but no baby) but we go back every day and spend time with him, leaving him at night just rips my heart apart though. My delivery went nothing like we planned but none of that matters anymore we just want to get him well and get him home. He is the most beautiful baby and we can't imagine life without our little man now that he is here!
ETA: Logan was released on Saturday, but that morning during rounds the doctor heard an "extra" sound in his heart, a cardiologist did an echo cardiogram and ultrasound and it was found that he has a hole in his heart (newborn hole) that probably didn't get squeezed shut since he did not come through the birth canal. We have to do a follow up at 6 months to check on it and told us not to worry (yea right!). I was so frustrated he had been in the hospital for 9 days and on a heart monitor for 7 of those days and they are just finding it now??? Anyway, our baby is home now and we couldn't be more happy or relieved!

What a birth story, Brandi! It's so sad that so many birth stories are like this these days. Logan seems to be doing well! :) Love your blog, mine is lacking...everything!
ReplyDeleteAh thanks!
ReplyDeleteYes it is very say, so many things I would have done different, but I think we still would have ended up in a c-section. SO much left out of my story now that I read it again, I was in such a daze when I wrote it LOL!