First Mr. Logan:
He is 42 inches and 42 pounds. For height he is in between the 75% and 90% on the growth curve and 90-95% for weight. Developmentally he is PERFECT he really has come such a long way. Logan also got a fancy eye test, and because there is always something to worry about with Logan, so much as it doesn't really faze us anymore we just expect that there will be something else to deal with when were talking about Logan, he failed the part of the test that detects lazy eye. So we have to get him into a pediatric eye doctor for a better evaluation. Could be nothing or he may need some intervention if he does in fact have a lazy eye starting, which we assume means glasses. I really hope not, but we will know more after we get into the eye doctor. Always something with our little boy I tell ya, but really nothing serious so we are thankful for that. Logan was a brave little boy during his two shots.
And little Ms. Ava:
31 inches and 95% on the growth chart and a whopping 25 lbs and 12oz for weight also 95% for the growth chart and her head circumference is 47 or 48 inches, either way she, like her brother is off the chart in head size, but because we know it runs in the family (thank you Daddy for those genes) and she has no developmental worries, she is really above where she should be for this age, she won't have to go through the neurology evaluation like Logan did. Ava is doing great otherwise, no concerns. Ava had to suffer through 3 shots today and has to go back in a month for her second dose of flu shot since this is her first year getting it, they break it up into two doses over a month. Because she received to live vaccines today (MMR and Chicken Pox) Dad has been banned to Grandma's and Grandpa's for two or three weeks because they are live viruses with those shots and he is on predsione and anti-rejections because of his kidney transplants. The kids will miss Grandpa while he is gone, but we don't want to mess around with him getting sick from those.
And to show the kids I can talk the talk as well as walk the walk I got my flu shot today as well, so nice to be able to just get it done at the ped with the kids (Matt got his at work which works out nice too). So go ahead flu season give us your best we are ready!
Logan goes back when he is FIVE (of course I am sure we will see her before that at a sick visit or two...) and Ava goes back in a month for her flu booster and then again at 15 months!

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