I got a letter today from my OB/GYN that he is leaving the practice and moving to the East Coast!
I am so upset that I am losing another fabulous doctor.
This is just crazy to me, I always thought I would have one doctor deliver all my kids, but I have no been through 4 OBs since January of 2006.
It's a long story, so I will try and condense it. But I have to tell it so you can get a feel for the crap I have been through with these darn obs!
I started with Dr.W when I got pregnant with Logan. He is the BEST there was and ever will be. Dr.W delivered ME and all my siblings. He was the most wonderful doctor you could ever imagine. He delivered Logan and I continued to see him and then got pregnant in June of 2008 with Peanut. Dr. W did all the initial blood work on Peanut and saw him until I was in the 6th week. Dr.W had a procedure done and was suppose to be gone for two weeks. In that two weeks I started having bleeding problems with Peanut and had to go to his covering OB's. First I encountered the worst of them all Dr. M, she was so cold about it and had a very whatever attitude about my threatened miscarriage (something that never would happen with Dr.W) I had my official first appointment with Dr. W in two weeks, and was told he was back in the office when I was there for my second ultrasound,just getting caught up, but he was back.
On to my first appointment with Dr. W (August 12). Show up at Dr.W's office and it's locked up and lights are off. Call is answering service and was told he was out of the office and to see his covering obs. I get hysterical as I am still having problems and was suppose to have an ultrasound to see what was going on. Matt calls back finds out his is back in the hospital and that we should have been called and to go back to the covering obs.
Go back up stairs, and am told that yes Dr. S could see me today, their ultrasound tech wasn't there so they couldn't give me an ultrasound...great. Wait for hours finally get called in, go to leave urine specimen and of course I was bleeding again. Even after that Dr.S would not give me an ultrasound (Dr. W would have done it himself, not make me wait...unreal) said he would write an order for one and to keep my feet up. Go down to the lab, they can't get me in until the next week...you have to be kidding me (we had, had two ultrasounds already, and Peanut was falling behind further at each one). Go home call Dr.S back tell him not until next week and he says that's fine. Sitting at home still having issues. Get Logan in bed and Matt and I head to the ER, I wasn't going to wait another week to find out if my baby was still alive.
In the ER FOREVER of course, find out at almost midnight that we lost Peanut.
Next morning call the covering obs, they say they will do the D&C three days from now. I say I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday, and I am tired of being jerked a round by these doctors just because they are covering me for Dr.W. The mean nurse goes to talk to Dr.S and he says he will do the D&C that afternoon. I have my D&C on Aug 13th, with a doctor I have spent a grand total of 5 minutes with. I just couldn't believe I was going through this without Dr.W who had been by mother's side through her three miscarriages between me and my brother. As I was being put to sleep and starting to lose it, Dr.S did come over and held my hand, so he's not all bad.
From here on out I see Dr. S and he's decent (I have to see Dr. M when I went in for unplanned ultrasound, still cold b***h and worry about her being on call when I deliver if Dr. W isn't back, and think I should start looking just in case). I go through all the fertility/hormone testing he wants me to. Get pregnant with Ava, start to have problems immediately, still he is fine and in my mind Dr. W will be back, maybe even in time to deliver Ava. Finally get to the point that my bleed is healed and I get to my first official visit at 9 weeks. Talk to Dr.S about the fact that I want a VBAC and Dr. W was supportive. He starts shaking his head before I even finish, saying they don't do VBAC's and then basically calls me selfish for even wanting to try one and that I was going to kill my baby and myself. Not wanting to lose "business" he said I could sign consent forms, but I would be forced onto monitors and I would have to be in bed the whole time and have to get an epidural immediately in case of c-section (all the things would pretty much guarantee me another c-section, and he wouldn't let me go beyond my due date). I was so shocked walking out of there. After my 12 week I get the same "talk". I hate this doctor.
Went home to find VBAC supportive doctor. Found Dr.P. Had to wait a month to get to meet with him, he is very popular. Finally meet Dr. P I am 17 weeks pregnant with Ava. He.is.awesome! Totally in line with my wants, so supportive of VBAC and just a really nice guy. I almost started crying while talking to him because everything I needed and wanted to hear he said without hesitation. Dr.P starts to grow on me, and then I wrestle about going back to Dr. W if he comes back, because I really like Dr.P.
A month or two into seeing Dr. P, I get a letter from him, saying that due to changing roles at the hospital he was reducing his practice hours...I get a little nervous. I have never seen any of the other doctors in the practice and I am worried he is going to leave.
(Dr.P doesn't deliver Ava, OR was busy that day and behind, he had to catch a plane, so the one doctor I had seen other than him at that point ended up delivering Ava.)
December 2009 I get the official letter from Dr. W saying he has to close his practice he suffered a stroke and while making great progress he won't be able to return. SO sad, but was prepared for it and happy that if I couldn't have Dr. W, at least I found Dr. P
August 31, 2010 I get another letter from Dr.P, he is moving to mass. with his family for personal reasons. Total shock. Damn.
So here I am again, needing to find some OB/GYN to fill the huge shoes of these two outstanding doctors. People might say who cares it's just a doctor, and ya if it were my GP I wouldn't care, but it's different when you are talking about the doctor who takes care of you and your baby, it's just different, a different relationship.
So for now I will see Dr. H if I need anything and for annuals. Very much considering going with a midwife in a doctors practice next time as I think I might try a VB2C now that the guidelines favor them. I'll save that for another post however...