Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Good Thing I Checked...

I was reading over Logan's preschool paper work that was sent in the mail and it said to look over the parent handbook before first day conferences and then it gave a list of items that needed to be filled out and brought that first day. So I went to look and what I had from them and I didn't have any of it. So apparently because we registered a week or so after the open house and Matt just sent it in, we never got the official preschool tote will all said paper work in it.

So I called today and took Logan with me to go and pick it up. Logan hadn't seen the preschool yet, he was sick when we went to the open house last winter, so he finally got to see it and was very happy to find out they had a train table. Of course he didn't want to leave and was so upset that he didn't get to stay at big boy school. I don't think we will have any problems with tears on the first real day (thanks to MDO he knows what to expect pretty much).

So now I have to get a physical thing signed by his doctor, fill out a TON of paper work, and oh yea go get a birth certificate for him, because well we never bothered to get a copy after he was born because we never needed one until now (we have Ava's thanks to the SSN debacle).

So glad I found all this out now, in stead of the first day, don't want to be that annoying parent that doesn't' have their stuff together.

Logan was so bummed about not getting to stay at the preschool that when we got home we made a count down to big boy school and hung it in the kitchen. Now he can cross off the days so he knows how many days until his first day!

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