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It's Not A Show In Less Something Goes Wrong...
Small problem today for the final show, the show that gets videoed, we went to get ready behind the curtain and those of us that had left our hats and sunglasses with our boxes the night before couldn't find out stuff, there was a made dash as my coach and her sister who run the backstage every year, looked for it, the next thing we know our music starts and we had to go with out our hats and glasses, which was a cool part of our ensemble, and we were off a little time wise because we started late, but we made do, I didn't skate my best, two footing both of my jumps, I think after being sick for the last week and my back all jacked up my body was just done. skating five days in a row like that was a lot, and we were all ready to be done. It was fun though and it felt great to be back in a show after my baby hiatus. Now I think I want to do a competition and of course I am ready to start landing my Axel, back to the regular skating grind now!In other news, Ava now has a third tooth, on the bottom next to her middle left tooth, it's so cute, we are waiting for the one on the right to pop up now!In other, other news, I will be cleaning for probably all of next week, you can tell that I was sick and at the rink for the past week, it's.a.disaster!
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