So I skated tonight for the first time since the shows (I took a little skating vacation) and it was painful. Spins were fine, good actually, jumps where terrible, timing was all off tonight and my feet were so cramped up in my skates they hurt so bad and now that it is warmer my skates fit even worse and they are just breaking down and now my heel is starting to hurt in them and my ankle is not supported the way it should be I don't want to get hurt. Starting to look into somewhere I can sell my sychro skates that were about $800 dollars with blades. I also have my first pair of competitive skates that I could sell as well, although I won't much for those. New SP-Terri's are going to run in the $400 range, luckily my blades are still in good shape otherwise that would be another $ huh?
I wish I could find a used pair, but I use SP-Terri's which is a boot used less (most people use Riedells), and I have super wide feet which makes it even harder to find a used pair. I am playing with the idea of going with a cheaper Riedell skate, but my last experience with them was very, very painful, they are so narrow and my wide feet don't appreciate that one bit. However, Riedell has redesigned their boots since I wore them so maybe I could wear one now, but that is a very expensive chance to take and I know I would be fine with a SP-Terri and I know my feet like them, it just the damn!I just want to be able to skate and not be in pain, I want to land my Axel and I need a boot that can support me in doing that. Time to get creative...