My awesome grandma took pity on me today and came and got the rest of the laundry and is doing it down at her house (her basement never floods even though she is practically right next to the river). So we are in flood state and the river is going to crest today we got a lovely message from the city saying we were in the zone for that. The river is already pretty close, but usually we are just dealing with rain water and not the river water, so say prayer it doesn't reach us.
Here is the very first McDonald's ever, under water. Yep we are home to the very first McD's, its a museum now and in the summer they have the classic cars out, but right now they are underwater (and WTF are those people walking through the nasty water for!?!). (Photo from Google)
This is on the other side of the track where we live, nice right?
(Photo from Google)
And OMG Genes & Judes is practically under water, anyone from this area knows how horrible that is! (Photo from Google)
So that's the haps over here! Kids seem better today, Ava is drinking and keeping it down so far and Logan is eating toast and drinking and keeping it down. Hopefully they are on the mend, me I go back to work tonight, hopefully the only route for me to get there is still open!

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