~Went back to work as a NCT at the hospital I always wanted to work at in September of 2012 after 6 years as a stay at home mom. Just as we were all adjusting to me back at work, the s&%t hit the fan...
~ January 2012 my Dad got sick and ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, which is when they found the lung nodules.
~In February 2012 my Dad was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 4B after a month waiting on results, a very unusual case compounded by his extensive medical history (diabetes, kidney transplants, etc).
~In August 2012 my Dad kicked cancers sorry ass, but the Chemo did a number on him causing him to swell and develop sores on this legs and feet, made worse by the fact that he is a diabetic, they wouldn't heal.
~In August 2012 my dad underwent an amputation of the worse leg, through the knee amputation. Surgery proved to be the last straw and caused his donor kidney to finally shut down. He ended up in ICU on a ventilator after retaining so much fluid, things were not good.
~In August 2012 he started back on dialysis.
~From August 2012 until March 2013 he was in and out of hospitals and rehabs facilities, with mystery infections, dialysis complications, and the sort. He has been home for one month and of course as of today is back in the hospital with pneumonia.
So as you can see most of our time and attention has been with my Dad. Things are not good, but we are just taking it one day at a time right now and we keep fighting. We are all adjusting to our new normal.
So what else has been going on since I last blogged.
~When I left you all I had finally finished my masters degree in I/O Psychology and was waiting for the actual degree and wouldn't you know those fools at the college lost my degree. It's safely in my hands now, but there was much rage at the time. No I am not doing anything with this degree, don't even ask.
~My wonderful husband is back in school working on his masters degree in a library science, he will be done in a year, and we both will happy when he is done.
~Logan started Kindergarten, he got into the year round school in the district, so my baby will be starting 1st grade in July (so weird). We love the school and the format and are excited that Ava will automatically get in since she has a sibling in the school, no more lottery woes for this family. He is thriving and doing wonderful!
~Ava is still at Mothers Day Out, and also doing wonderfully. She starts preschool in the fall, she will go three days a week and go to Mother's Day Out one day. So get ready for this people, I will have Logan in school all day, five days a week and Ava in school part of the day four days a week next school year!!! But what will I do with my free time you ask? That brings me to my next wavy line...
~I went back to school this spring, working on my pre-req's for nursing school. Yep third degree is the charm people.
~Work has been great I do love what I do. Yea, we have bad shifts and deal with some crazy stuff, but I love it. My work family is made up of incredible people that have brought me through this horrible year. Their support, laughter and general craziness has helped me keep my sanity. Someone knew I needed these exact people in my life. Love them. We work hard and play hard :)
~I was doing an adult gymnastics class for awhile at the gym my kids go to (and one that I trained at occasionally when I was on the YMCA team out here) it was a lot of fun and boy was a sore after class, you know that good sore. I was throwing round-off flip-flop layouts again (on the tumble track of course) and it felt incredible. But the girl that taught the class moved to another gym and thus the end of my gymnastics come back hahaha.
~Skating you ask? (hangs head in shame) I've been off the ice for um, almost a year. With everything going on and going back to work, skating with my coach was becoming increasingly harder given the drive out to Dundee and my group class on Saturday mornings was to hard with my over nights and needing to work every other weekend. I miss it and I know I am a happier person when I am skating, I just need to get my behind back in gear and at least get back into group lessons. I was so close to landing my Axel. Maybe this summer I'll get back on the ice. The problem is just skating is never enough, I have to have a goal and then I want to compete again or do ice show again and I just don't have the time for it right now. So sad. I need to just be happy with getting some exercise I guess.
~We got a dog last July. His name is Adobe, he's almost 3 now. We rescued him, he is a terrier mix and has fit into our crazy family just perfectly.
~Logan and Ava both continue to do gymnastics. Logan played Baseball last spring and will resume next month, he is doing the spring training right now, he is excited. Ava also started doing ballet, I am not into the dance thing, but I was forced to do it as a gymnast. She loves it of course so that's good and it helps her gymnastics so I am happy.
~But wait you say, you use to blog about babies and VBAC and all that fun stuff. Whats going on there? Well nothing at the moment. As you can see life got crazy and we decided to wait. I am still a huge supporter of VBAC and VBA2C and I am sure if I have another baby this blog will blow up with those posts again and trust me I have never stopped researching and keeping up on happenings in the birthing world. I still would love to go into that specialty in nursing. All I can say is stay tuned...
So that is the very abridged version of whats been going on here. Hopefully I can keep this up again :) If not see you in another year...I kid, kinda.

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