Logan had gymnastics today, he is in the child independent class now, so of course when we got there he wanted to know where his other teacher was and he want to go play in the fun room. There were tears and the two coaches let me come out on the floor and he eventually warmed up to his new class and by the end of class I was back in the viewing area, so it was all good! He did so good, it's all girls in this class, which I think is beneficial. After they did warm ups, which Logan didn't do, they did their rolls and this is where Logan jumped in. Then they did beam (which of course isn't a boys event, but boys don't separate into their own class until they are 6) and he jumped right up in the high beam and walked with no help and jumped right off the end with no help, this mama was impressed, he even did relave-I don't know how to spell that one (pushing up on your toes) while on beam. Then they moved over to vault and Logan did awesome with that, his favorite part was sliding down the crash pad they had up against the training vault, it was a fun slide according to Logan. They finished up in tumble track (it's a long trampoline, but much tighter in bounce, used for running floor passes or vault training) which Logan loved. He had a lot of fun once he got into the groove, hopefully next week he will go right out there without me.After gymnastics, we ran home for lunch then headed out to my moms, I had to skate and Matt had a lodge meeting tonight so she wanted the kids for me. I didn't skate last week because we were up in WI, and the my last lesson before that was terrible, so I was worried about how my feet and boots would do tonight. Luckily I was on tonight and the non hot weather made my feet fit better so they bothered me less. My jump timing was on tonight and it felt good. For the first time since having Ava I got an Axel around and onto one foot, I fell of course, but that was a big step getting it to one foot and fully rotated. I only had to re-tie my boots once which is pretty good for me so it was a good night on the ice. My blades need to be sharpened something bad and I think once that is done my Axel take off will be much improved, right now I am sliding all over.Tomorrow I am going to go out to Rainbo Sports Shop and see about getting my boots rebuilt and avoid having to shell out for new ones right now. Hopefully they are not beyond repair!Oh and Glee was awesome tonight, I am going to miss watching it this summer.Happy 8 Months Ava girl! 8 months ago today I was laid up in the hospital on mag...yuck, holding my beautiful baby girl, 8 months later almost landing my Axel...love it!
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