Unfortunately he has some cavities, and I am afraid I passed down my bad teeth gene to Logan. They are not bad, but they need to be filled and given the fact Logan won't sit for that, he is going to have to be sedated. I am scared out of my mind about this and I feel like a crappy Mom for having a 3 1/2 year old with cavities.
It was probably a combination of bad genes and his prolonged use of the binky mixed with his milk and bedtime habit, we won't be making that mistake again.
I also found out that some individuals such as myself carry bacteria or something that makes them more prone to cavities and if you are one of these people you shouldn't let your kids put their hands in your mouth or wipe of their binky using your mouth because the bacteria is then transferred to your child....crap. I am so guilty of both of those things with Logan, so not doing any of that with Ava now.
So my poor baby boy goes at the end of July. He will drink a special "cocktail" which will put him in a light sleep so they can fill the cavities. His heart rate and breathing will be monitored the whole time as well. The dentist said it's just a light sleep and that if you shook him some he would start to wake up. He had used the special cocktail earlier in the day to do root canals and crowns on some kid and Logan won't be having anything that serious done so that made me feel better, as I know how much root canals hurt when your awake! Our other option was to have an IV sedation used with an anaesthesiologist but that really wasn't needed for what they have to do and oh yea our crappy dental insurance doesn't cover any sedation. Ya we just bought a new car I don't have any money laying around right now. All together we have to pay $827, so annoyed.
Logan has been through so much since he was born and this is just another bump along the way, we probably could have paid for his college education with the amount of medical bills we have paid in his short 3 1/2 years, but what are you going to do right?
So not looking forward to cavity day, but I can't wait until it's behind us and I pray that he doesn't end up dealing with teeth issues like I have, it's no fun.
Ava had a great time at the dentist, she was swooned over by everyone and the dentist gave her, her own little baby toothbrush and she got a fun ball from the receptionist, as far as she is concerned the dentist is all right.

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