My Maclaren stroller came today, and yes I have a bunch of other strollers, but I did
Here is my stroller saga as told on Facebook:
We have the original travel system (car seat and stroller) then I got another stroller for Matt's car. We got a cheap umbrella stroller from one of my showers and didn't like it so I keep that one at my Moms and I bought another lightweight stroller for my car so I didn't always have to pull out the full size stroller as Logan got older. So those were the "Logan" strollers. Then when I was pregnant with Ava the Grandmas all went in and got us the double stroller and I sold the stroller we kept in Matt's car and he got the original travel system stroller in his car and I had the double and the lightweight in my car. So now that Logan is older he only goes in the double when we got to places like the zoo etc. So I wanted a nicer lightweight stroller for Ava, one that reclined so she could sleep and my other one was getting really beat up and it had plastic wheels that are pretty torn up so that brings us to my newest stroller, a much higher quality stroller for when we are running errands or I just need a stroller for Ava (and it will hold up to 55lbs so Logan can use it to. It's ridiculous I know, clearly I have a problem...
So we played with the new pretty Maclaren in the house today since the kids are sick, can't wait to take it out for a real test drive!
Oh and you know me, I got this 2008 Maclaren Quest for $149.99 and free shipping, the Quests retail in the area of $225 and up. I love me some deals!

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