I also just found out that I never proved my in-district residency, didn't know I had to other than the address on my application, so even though I have already been paying in-district tuition payments, I will be charged out of district prices if I don't prove by Saturday at noon. So after a small heart attack, I found out I can do that tomorrow before class as well, just have to get there a little earlier now.
Other than that I am ready to go! I still need to get white shoes for clinicals, I have two pairs of white scrub bottoms (I heard it's prudent to always have an extra pair of scrubs on you) and an extra white scrub top (we have to wear a uniform top and smock from the college which we will get fitted for probably tomorrow). I have my new watch with easy to read face for doing vitals, but I still need to get a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. I am so excited, I am sure I will be over whelmed by tomorrow night, but right now I am excited and that says a lot since i never felt like this about school before, and definitely not about grad school (guess that should have been a red flag).
Well better finish up packing my stuff up and then off to bed, full day of being a mommy (Logan off to school, my regular Friday floor cleaning, taking care of poor Ava who has her first fever) and full night of class tomorrow!
Getting all my stuff together, loving my new water bottle and coffee mug!

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