I don't know what happened but my simple cold I started with on New Years Eve, turned into the head cold from hell this past week. I was going to go to the doctor today, but I did start to feel better this afternoon so I will wait it out another day or so, but I think I am on the mend finally.
My Dad is being discharged tomorrow, his doctor wanted him to stay until Monday, but the rehab place said there was no reason for him to, he is doing great, so tomorrow it is!
His doctors changed around some of his meds and added some new ones so we will have to work all that out now. He is going to stay at my Grandparents house for a day two, as I haven't been able to clean since I got sick and we want to make sure I really am on the mend before he comes back home. I don't know what we are going to do when either my Grandparents are no longer here or we move we we have sickness situations like this.
Ava had a little cold, but she seems to be better today as well so that is good. She had her 15 month check up on Friday (shocking I know!) and she is 27lbs 6oz and 30 and a quarter inches (95 percentile) and her head is 49cm (off the chart, just like Logan's. We call that the Warnock percentile) and doctor said she is doing great! She has quite the vocab for a 15 month old and is already putting two words together. She got one shot and is up to date now until she is 4, she will be happy about that when we go back for her 18 month in April, which I am totally in denial about.
Logan is doing good, he is very happy to be back to school and anxious to get back to gymnastics after two weeks off for the holidays and then missing Saturday because Matt had to work and I was too sick to take him. He has his first school pictures on the 27th, I am sure they will be cute.
School starts in 8 days...yikes! Going to try and get out there this week to get my books and then I have a few last minute things I need to get together. I am very excited but very nervous, big changes. I have been a SAHM since September 2006 so it's weird to think I will be heading back to work (part-time, nights, every other weekend) in the very near future, but I know it's for the best and if we are ever going to move so we can grow our family, mama needs to being home some bacon as well!
I leave you with my diva daughter dancing in a laundry basket eating a cracker...love her so!

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