On a totally different topic, one of the moms from my mommy board posted this article about miscarriage grief and I thought it was a great read, especially for anyone who has suffered a miscarriage. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/unresolved-miscarriage-grief-lead-parental-anxiety/story?id=9283581&page=3
I could really relate to a lot of it, and especially when it talks about what it does to future pregnancies, I could have written that part myself. I know I am not alone when I remember Peanut every August, heck my mom suffered her first miscarriage 27 years ago on Thanksgiving, and she told me after I lost peanut that every Thanksgiving she remembers losing that baby, even though it has been 20+ years, she said it gets easier, but you never forget. Anyway just want to pass it along, maybe it will help someone going through this or that has gone through it.

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