Today Logan had preschool for a whopping hour. They split the kids by their last names, the first half gong from 9:15-10:15 and then the second group which included Logan went from 10:30-11:30. He went in with no problem, he just wanted to get back to that Thomas train table. Since he only had to go for an hour, Ava and I headed to the library and I finally got a card, we have only lived here 3 years, but always used Matt's, so I got my own. Ava played with some other babies up in the kids area with some puzzles. The other mother's were impressed with Ava's walking abilities (another baby there was also 11 months) seeing how she just turned 11 months. We picked out some board books and watched the fish and then it was time to pick up Logan. I am sure she enjoyed the time with Mommy all to herself.

We picked up Logan and his teacher said he did great. On the ride home Logan informed me that they sang the alphabet song, read a story about a raccoon and he played trains. I knew he would be fine at preschool, thanks to being in MDO since he was two and he really loves going to school and he was very ready for it (and so was mama). Can't wait to see how next week goes when he has two full days of preschool, gymnastics (he was off Monday for Labor Day) and MDO. I am envisioning easier bedtimes...I hope!

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