~First of all, I love this song. How can it not put you in a good mood. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis-Can't Hold Us Listen to it, love it.
~Next I have a small obsession with statement jewelry, I don't know where it came from but I can't get enough. Bubble necklaces and animal bracelets galore over here.
~So this one is a little embarrassing I was sitting on the couch one night exhausted from work and mommy duty and I was mindlessly watching QVC. Yes I know. Anyway this makeup segment came on by It Cosmetics about a full coverage foundation that goes on like powder. The lady took her make up off and she had horrible skin, like mine. Then she put some of this foundation on and bam, full coverage in like two seconds. I hate having to wear foundation, but lets face it, if I didn't I would scare people. I have horrible skin. I use Proactive and it keeps it kinda at bay, but I still have to wear make up. So I decided to take a chance and I ordered this pretty expensive foundation which came with a really nice brush with 88,000 hairs, it's way soft. Let me tell you, this stuff is great, I love it. It covers great I can wear it by its self or I can use it more as a powder. It's called Celebration Foundation by It Cosmetics. I went with the light medium. Have problem skin that takes forever to cover up, give it a try you will love it!
~Blueberry coffee. Yes blueberry coffee. First introduced to me by my friend at work has now reached full blown obsession once I found it at the store and bought all of the boxes cause the sign said limited time only. You would think this would be gross, but let me tell you people, it is not. It has a very decadent flavor and it's subtle and awesome. We have a Keurig at work now so I always have a stash in my locker. Love it!
~Birchbox. After hearing about Birchbox from various peeps, I decided to finally check it out and see what all the hub bub was about. So I checked it out and signed up to start receiving my very own Birchbox full of samples (beauty, lifestyle, etc). Of course you have to sign up and then wait to get your approval email that you must respond to within so many hours or you lose your Birchbox subscription. See, they get you all excited waiting just for an email to be accepted, by the time your Birchbox arrives you are like a kid on Christmas morning. So my Birchbox finally arrives last week and yes it was like Christmas, couldn't wait to see what was in there. They did not disappoint either, they had me at lip plumping gloss. So yea totally addicted and I have only received one so far. Check it out!
~Salad pizza. Yep. It's delish, we get it at work all the time and I am obsessed. Tastes so refreshing when you have been running your ass off all shift. A patient actually got us all started on this one. It's always a good day when there is salad pizza on the floor.
Time to get ready for work! Hope you enjoyed this addition of random stuff I dig.