I can not believe that this is happening, it is SO hard to get into this hospital and I did it as a new grad to boot!!
There was a crazy chain of events leading up to my offer which I will get to. What is really important, is this: I know I have talked about how going through my miscarriage three years ago was the final push that made me go into nursing. So my interview was last Friday the 12th. Three years earlier on the 12th, I was sitting in this very same hospital in the ER waiting to here the fate of our second baby, and here I was three years later, a new CNA grad interviewing at the hospital where all the greatest and worst moments of my life have taken place. I guess I get to add one more tick to the greatest side!
I will be working on a medical-surgical floor where they put all the cases that don't fit anywhere else in the hospital, they also specialize in CF, detox, and get hospice once in awhile up there. It will be a huge learning opportunity and challenge. I will be working evenings and nights, part time! I will get to train to do a larger scope of practice as a nurse tech, including learning blood draws, which I am excited about! I have a two week orientation that is Mon-Fri during the day, so now I am trying to figure out child care arrangements, made more difficult by the fact that Logan will be in school by then. So hopefully I can get that worked out soon.
Man I am so proud of myself :) I remember when I started my blog I was just starting to figure out when I was going to start my CNA program and I had to wait basically a year from then because Ava was a baby still and I had to wait for another weekend program to roll around. What a journey it has been, and every step along the way has gone just the way I wanted it, great class, got the clinical instructor and floor that I wanted, made some great friends, graduated with a 4.0, passed my state exams, and got hired at my dream hospital...yep a lot to be proud of!
So here is my interviewing saga as retold on a mommy message board I am apart of:
So I know I posted awhile ago about having an interview, after going through three interviews with that hospital, I didn't get the job due to lack of experience (it was on a peds floor) which was disappointing since they seemed to like me so much, but understandable since it is a more specialized floor.
So the same day I get that rejection email I get a call from a hospital that I applied to on a whim, it was a smaller hospital 45-60 minutes away, only reason I applied was because my mom did her clinical rotation there for surgical tech and had liked it there. So I applied for a patient tech position (CNA with a bigger scope of practice) and they suggested since I didn't have a lot of non-clinical experience to try for a patient sitter position (you sit in the room with high risk for fall, suicide, and confused patients and do basic care) and usually within 3 months I could move into a PCT position. So I went ahead and did the initial interview, figuring I just need experience and I could suck it up a deal with the commute for awhile.
Went away from the interview with an eh feeling. So then the next week they call back to schedule a second interview which would have been tomorrow. I was just not feeling good about it, it didn't feel right, but like I said I needed the experience. Then wouldn't you know an hour later my dream hospital called for a phone interview, then called two days later for an interview, went in last Friday was there for almost 3 hours testing and doing three interviews. Well I was offered the position today at the hospital I always wanted to work at!!!! I am so excited, it is SO hard to get into a hospital as a new CNA with no experience and I did it, and did it at one of the best hospitals in this state! I could see staying here for my entire career for sure, and it's only a couple minutes from my house to boot! I will be learning so much more in this position, this hospital trains their nurse assistants to do so much more (phlebotomy, in-dwelling caths, etc) which will make my pursue of becoming an OB tech much more easier down the road.
Crazy, so now I have to call and cancel my other interview and everything worked out perfectly!
What is really crazy is this: the final deciding factor/push for me to start this new career was when I had my m/c, I just felt like I have been through all these crazy medical experiences, both myself, with Logan and with my Dad for a reason and that nursing is where I was suppose to be. Wouldn't you know that my interview with the hospital was on the day we found out we lost the baby (at that hospital too) and here I was 3 years later interviewing for my dream job. Defiantly have a little angel watching over me

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