Other than having a biological clock freak out a couple months back, I really have no problem turning 30. Life is so good right now and a lot of exciting things are going on in my life and I feel like my 30's are just going to a great time.
My 20's had huge milestones take place and I was blessed many times during that decade, but I am not going to lie, I wouldn't want to do it over again.
I did a lot in my 20's: college, traveled to Germany, Austria, Hawaii, and all over the US either on vacations or for sychnro compeitions. Went to grad school, got married, had two beautiful childern,Went to US National Synchro Skating Championships and was on TV even a coulple of times with my sychro team, Competed at ISI World Champs when they were here in Chicago, Went back to school and became a CNA. Dealt with financial stress due to Logan's medical needs/NICU stay, struggled with c-section depression, learned exactly how hard going through a miscarriage is and the ever lasting effects it has on you, took on a lot of the responsibility for the care of my father. You get the picture, never a dull moment!
My life changed so drastically in my 20's makes me wonder what my 30's will have in store for me.
As a happy birthday present, I got my first call back for an interview for a PCT (Or patient care tech: a fancy CNA that is trained to do more than basic nurse assisting) position at a local hospital! Next Tuesday is the interview so fingers crossed and lot's of positive thoughts and prayers needed, I am nervous!!
Since we had the big party last weekend no huge plans for today, hubby and I got our tickets early to go see Harry Potter tonight, my sister is going to watch the kids, so it should be fun!
Happy 3oth to me!!

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