It has been a wonderful, crazy and stressful 6 years together. A wonderful honeymoon in Maui, pregnant 7 months after our wedding, uneventful pregnancy until the last month, bed rest, unplanned and complicated c-section, NICU, heart murmur, developmental and speech delays, moving, financial stress from the Logan's birth and NICU stay, job changes (3 now), more bed rest, miscarriage, fertility issues, threatened miscarriage and bed rest with Ava, lots of fun family trips, new career path for both of us really and most importantly our two beautiful children and through it all we always grow together and not apart. We have been together for 12 wonderful years all together and I love him so much, the first 6 years were not what either of us would call easy, but together we can get through whatever life throws at us.
My wonderful husband arranged to have 6 red roses at our table when we arrived, such a sweetie
Matt with our cheese fondue...yum!
We both had the seafood trio for main course, at first I was worried about cooking it our selves, but it went fine and tasted so good.
And dessert was out of this world...LOVE!
We had a great night together!

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