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Happy Easter Everyone!

Ava has no fear when it comes to the slide, even the big ones!
I have been such a bad blogger, but between school, sickness, and job stress I just haven't had the time or motivation.We are just getting over our latest round of the crud, in which both kids ended up with ear infections and I ended up with strep, I was so sick my friends, it knocked me on my butt for 3 days and I had to miss class on Monday which means I know have 4.5 hours that I need to make up hour for hour, like I needed that extra stress. At least we are all feeling better and I think it's kinda funny that me and the kids are all on the same antibiotic right now, I call it the amoxcillin cocktail hour.Well where to start...Most importantly Matt got the job he interviewed for!!!! Thank God for small favors. He spent about 3.5 hours at the interview, and interviewed with a lot of people, so we knew that they liked him and by the end of the week it was a done deal, it happened so fast, but at the perfect time. Good news for me, our health benefits start on his first day so I will be fully covered for all my remaining clinical days! So same job title, although his job will be much different and in a much different environment, just want he needed. Check out the library, brand new, opening in May, state of the art facility with a really interesting retrieval system to get the books (there are no books out on the floor like a traditional library) Should be cool during thunderstorms!
Here is a link to the library if you are interested in reading
more about it, very cool stuff, Matt is excited! we are incredibly blessed that this job came when it did, an answered prayer for sure.So just as soon as that stress was lifted from us, we all got sick...blah! I am so over this winter/spring and am ready for some sick free summer days.Next up, my baby girl turned 18 months old!?!?! Time is flying and Ava is turning into such a little person, she cracks me up daily. Her vocab is crazy compared to Logan at this age, I think we will need another phone line when she's a teenager!
18 month stats: 30lbs, 33 inches, Head off the chart (just like her brother)All is well, next appointment..2 years OMG!Four days later Logan turned 4 1/2!
Hard to believe he is almost five! He is doing so awesome in preschool and is such a loving boy and he loves his sister so much!School has been going good, other than missing a day, my lab and theory tests have all been A's and this Saturday we have our mid-term evaluation for clinical, which I am a little nervous about, clinical is so stressful for me, and while I feel better in my ability as time goes on, there is always something you do wrong and it's always something you know better but when you are wrapped up caring for you patients you forget and somehow your clinical instructor is always there in that moment, LOL. Seriously though I really like my clinical instructor and I hope she thinks I am doing ok.Clinical has been such a life changing experience, the things I have seen just really put life into perspective, when we were going through all the job stress with Matt, in the back of my mind were my patients and how life could really be so much worse and we would make it through. I can't believe we only have four more clinical days left it went really fast.Career day is coming up and I am really hoping to get in somewhere through that day, fingers crossed!Other than school and crazy life not much going on with me, I got away a few weekends ago with my Mom and Sister up to Lake Geneva, it was nice to get away for the weekend (after clinical of course) and relax.So that is everything I got for now, I have a bunch of pictures so I will have to do another post to get all those in!
I have lots of stuff I want to blog about, but I have been massively busy with school, but I just wanted to update that Matt has a job interview Wednesday morning and we could use lots of prayers and positive thoughts that this is it, his last day at his current job is the 28th so the timing would be perfect. Fingers and toes crossed over here!